South Pacific Christian Fellowship (New Zealand)

Posted on January 11, 2017.
South pacific medium original

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Miki and I are looking forward to returning to New Zealand. Our tickets have been purchased for January 25. However, I feel the need to confess that we also have a bit of the collywobbles -- the feeling of nervousness often described as butterflies in your stomach -- yet, at the same time we are still very confident in our calling.

Our time in the USA has been fruitful. God has blessed our efforts, and we are thankful for the church planting teams we have recruited, mentored, and coached. With the changes in South Pacific Christian Fellowship (SPCF), particularly affiliating with New Mission Systems International (NMSI) and hiring John Woodward as the new SPCF Executive Director elect, it’s time for us to return to New Zealand.

One of the reasons we have the collywobbles is because we have never moved so far away from our children -- 7,690 miles to be exact. I know many parents have done this before us, but the thing is, we haven’t.

Secondly, although it’s exciting for us to return to Auckland, finding a place to live, getting settled, buying a vehicle, renewing friendships, meeting new people, etc. all create a certain level of stress in us as well.

There have been many positive things about living in the States these past few years. The boys have become more familiar with American culture. We have all made new friends. More time was spent with extended family. It has also given us more time with our supporters, and we have had a church home.

Leaving behind a church home, family, long-time friends, new friends, and faithful supporters also creates a level of tension in us. Your prayers for safe travel, a positive transition, and our family adjustments, particularly for Noel and Ethan as they stay behind while the rest of the family travels to New Zealand, are very important to us.

We are so thankful to our supporters who have continued with us through our recent years here in the States. After developing our new budget for living in New Zealand, we were reminded again of just how expensive it is to live there.

Although we have added new supporters and some supporters have increased their support, we are still short of what we need to live and to do ministry. We need additional commitments of $1,700 per month.

In addition to the monthly support, we also have significant one-time expenses in purchasing our tickets, shipping our possessions, finding a car, making a deposit for rent, and re-establishing a household in New Zealand. So we still need special gifts of $9,500 toward these transitional expenses.

Other prayer requests:

  • Noel in his 2nd semester of his junior year at Manhattan Christian College
  • Ethan in his 2nd semester of his freshman year at Manhattan Christian College
  • Caleb as he adjusts to not having his brothers around and as he finishes his online high school
  • Miki & Randy as we finish saying goodbyes and start saying our hellos
  • Ask God to provide through his people $1,700 per month and $9,500 one-time
  • For the new church plants in Tauranga & Auckland
  • For the new church plant candidates as they start the affiliation process.

~ Randy & Miki Brooks