Nebraska Christian College

Posted on July 4, 2017.
Nc original

I've had the privilege of working for Nebraska Christian College/Hope International University since last August. Since then, I have personally observed the vision of our president, commitment of our administration, passion of our faculty, and desire of our students to learn and serve. I am convinced that NCC is becoming stronger than ever. With the necessary resources, our potential for growth is unlimited. I have the joy of sharing the NCC story with many long-time friends, church leaders, and school supporters like you and I also get to hear your stories and updates! We have an amazing partnership in preparing Christian leaders for the Church and for the world that we can all be proud of!

We gathered alumni and friends for our Summer Homecoming on June 16-17 in conjunction with the final New Way Singers concert. To learn about other upcoming events, sign up for our monthly enewsletter at and clinic the "E-News sign up" tab under Alumni/Church Leaders.

Donors like you are creating a lasting Kindgom legacy through the work of NCC. Bless you for your generosity.

~ Jane Jech, Director of Development and Church Relations, NCC