Kulpahar Kids Home & Christian School (India)

Posted on July 24, 2017.
Kulpahar original

We are confident most of you have have seen the wonderful musical, "Fiddler on the Roof." Remember the song, "Wonder of Wonders, Miracles of Miracles"? Well, dear friends, when we look at our audit and see how we've made it each month this last year, it is truly a miracle.

Continual changes from the government and changes in some of the information on audits show specifics we haven't seen before. This year, a section showed how much money we received and how much we spent each month. Every month, our expenses exceeded our income! Yes, truly a miracle -- 12 months of miracles! Thanks go special gifts at different times and some of our savings that we had to dip into several times, we made it through another year. Praise to our wonderful and awesome God!

Thank you so much for your love, your prayers, and your financial partnering with Christ's kids here at Kulpahar! India's hope for today and tomorrow are her children. May God bless each and every child! You are helping in those blessings of hope for today and tomorrow.

~ Linda & Sharon, Kulpahar