Kulpahar Kids' Home & Christian School (India)

Posted on May 10, 2017.
Kulpahar original

We have already seen our thermometer on the veranda at 112F, so to say it is hot is an understatement!

We want to share these praises:

  • Sosun will be 70 years old on June 1. This means that Kulpahar Kids Home is 70 years old! Remember, she was the first Kulpahar kid -- hence Kulpahar Kids Home was born. As one of our Board Members reminds us, Kulpahar Kids Home is the oldest Christian Church/Church of Christ mission still in operation in India!
  • Our bank issues have finally ended, at least for the next 3 years. Praise our wonderful Lord! Every 3 years, we have to fill out forms and submit documents under what is called Know Your Customer.
  • We have 2 visitors coming late this summer and 2 more in the fall -- what a blessing for all of us here at Kulpahar!

We also request these prayers:

  • Pray for a good monsoon. Our wells are getting lower and lower! Our agriculture man thought our excellent rain last year would last us 2 years, but that is proving wrong. Our little boys' well is almost dry, and the others seem to be going down quickly.
  • The last day of school was May 8! So the kids are going home. Pray for them, their health, and their safety while they are with their families. School resumes June 30.
  • Our newest Board Member, here in India, is taking her final exams for her Law degree. Her knowledge is, and will be, of great benefit to God’s Work, not only to us but others as well.
  • Our Indian Board is doing a great job working through email with us, and we’re nearly ready to post/make public the advertisement for General Manager for the Mission. We are not mentioning in the advertisement where or what the mission is, only a P.O. Box in a city here in our state.
  • One of our young married women, Savita, has to have kidney stone surgery. Pray not only for her, but her husband, Uttam, as well. This is the first time he’s experiencing "in sickness and in health." They were married a year ago this last February.
  • Sharon renews her passport this month. When she receives the new passport, she has to apply and renew both her Visa and Residential Permit. God is greater than any political party, but the new government in our state and at the national level is anti-minority, so we must be prayerfully vigilant.
  • We go to Delhi in the middle of this month for our "overdue" medical checkups.

Thank you for partnering with us – praying with and for us!

~ Linda and Sharon, Kulpahar