Christian Student Fellowship

Posted on February 8, 2017.
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Mondays may be my favorite time of the week at Christian Student Fellowship (CSF)!

Before the student appointments, the staff meetings to plan outreach events, and before all of our events take place, the CSF staff meet together via conference call. In this meeting, there is no planning, scheduling, or evaluation of recent events, and no training or brainstorming. It's simply a call to, and of, prayer. I've heard it said like this, "Before we talk to people about God, we take time to talk to God about people."

Each week, it seems like I could sum up our 30-minute prayer session with one word. Sometimes, it's "exciting" or "searching" or even "tired." This week, the word is "bold!" I sensed in the prayers of CSF leaders a boldness that gives me great confidence that God is going to do some amazing things in and through CSF this semester.

I attribute this boldness to 3 things:

  1. When God's people pray together, they are remided that there's something Greater than them at work. We see that God desires to move in big ways on our campus. We are simply joining Him in His work!
  2. We know that many people are praying with us and for us. It reminds me of Paul's plea in Ephesians 6:19 when he says, "Pray for me, too. Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly expalin God's mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike." Your prayers result in our boldness on campus. Thank you and please continue to lift us up!
  3. Your financial gifts enable us to step boldly into ministsry opportunities. We have seen that God continues to provide for us, and not only does that give us confidence that our bills will be paid, it gives us a holy boldness that He will provide everhting we need to accomplish His work on campus!

Thanks so much for patnering with the ministry of Christian Student Fellowship. I can't wait to see what all God will do in 2017.

~ Dan Walter