Kulpahar Kids Home & Christian School (India)

Posted on September 13, 2017.
Kulpahar original

We have much to be thankful for -- and matters that still need prayer and we know God will be handling! Again we thank you for your prayers!


  • The main phase of Sharon’s Residential and Visa renewals are in place. The district and state levels have been approved. Now we are waiting for the final word from the Central Government.
  • Carol and Jean Marie Oberly have for years taken care of our booth at the ICOM and also driven some "short distances" for the kids' homework. They’ve spent hours preparing and manning the booth, and being wonderful ambassadors!

Prayer requests:

  • We are saddened but understanding that this will be Carol and Jean's last year. Due to health challenges and a family member’s health challenge, they’ve requested we replace them. So, pray with us to find the one who will be able to start doing this vital work.
  • Linda’s Residential and Visa renewals are next year. Board members and our IT person who worked hours on Sharon’s renewals are suggesting we start Linda’s process in October this year since renewal has gone online and is now a new process -- and it has only been in August that our district office has gotten Internet! We have had 4 very good applicants apply for the General Manager’s position. The initial interviewing process will be done by 2 of our Board members. We are all submitting questions to ask the candidates at the interviews. Pray that God will show all of us the man He has chosen for this work of General Manager!
  • In the next months, we need for our financial base to increase. The salary we will pay the General Manager is around $1,000 a month. An additional expense must be the total repairing, painting, etc., of the doctor’s bungalow to be the General Manager’s family home.
  • We are hoping to send one of our Board Members to the United States the first of the year to travel to churches on our behalf to bring our churches up to date and give a "face and boots on the ground" to God’s work for Christ's kids here at Kulpahar, since we have not and cannot come there ourselves. Again, this is going to take money, so please pray with us and our U.S. Board that all of this will and can happen!

"And I tell you, ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you." (Luke 11:9)

~ Linda and Sharon